- A reading of Olson's? Maximus Poems? as a lyric epic opens up a new space in the study of modern American long poem. 研读查尔斯·尔森的《投射诗》、人类宇宙》等诗学论著及其长篇诗歌《马克西姆斯诗篇》,不仅有助于理解现当代美国诗歌与诗学理论,而且为更深刻地把握现当代美国社会的文化语境打开了一个新的视角。
- Can I have a read of that timetable? 我可以看一下那张时间表吗?
- Reading to a reading of detail futzing fun. 愿一读再读,细细把玩,趣味无穷。
- I settled down for a read of the Bible. 我静下来专心读了会儿《圣经》。
- Read: Can I have a read of your magazine? 我能不能看一看你的杂志?
- Can I have a read of your paper? 我可以阅读一下你的论文吗?
- The reading of a will; a reading by the poet of her own works. 宣读遗嘱;诗人宣读自己的作品
- Vital Signs Provides a reading of each Marine's status. 重要资料显示每个陆战队员的状态。
- The speedometer shows a reading of 10 miles per hour. 这时测速仪上显示出来的读数是每小时10英里。
- The actor gave a reading of the poetry of Shakespeare. 那位演员朗诵了莎士比亚的诗。
- The actor gave a dry reading of the lines. 演员把台词念得十分生硬
- A through reading of this article is commended. 建议大家通读一下这篇文章。
- A reading of the Democratic platform would neither yield knowledge nor provide inspiration. 阅读民主党政纲,既不会长知识,也不会予人以激励。
- What is her reading of the facts? 她对这些事实是怎么看的?
- They berated each other for being selfish and beseeched the court to grant a reading of the will. 他们责骂彼此的自私,并恳求法院准许他们阅读一次遗嘱。
- And Jehudi gave a reading of it in the hearing of the king and all the rulers who were by the king's side. 那时正是九月,王坐在过冬的房屋里,王的前面火盆中有烧著的火。
- A thorough reading of this article is commended. 建议大家通读一下这篇文章。
- He made the attic in the small house a reading room. 他把小屋的阁楼当作阅读室。
- Thorburn, David. "Interpretation and Judgment: A Reading of Lonesome Dove." Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 1993): 113-27. 戴维·索伯恩:〈阐释和判断:解读〉,《大众传播的批判研究》杂志,第10卷,第2期(1993年6月号):第113-127页。
- Let's have a chorus reading of the text. 现在大家一起来朗读课文。